CMPAS: Planning

Plan For The Worst,
Hope For The Best

In our opinion, competing planning tools often exhibit excessive optimism regarding financial plans and over emphasize average market returns.

While it is true that markets have been kind to investors over the last 15 years, we are concerned about what will happen to these plans if we experience a prolonged market downturn in the near future. We want to manage client expectations.

CMPAS: Planning is our goals-based financial planning software that was engineered to build resilient plans capable of weathering the most challenging 10% of historical market conditions. CMPAS also aims to protect client assets while minimizing the advisors workload.

CMPAS: Planning Features:
  • Customized investment roadmaps using existing strategies
  • Stress test by priority level
  • Funding goals with optimal accounts
  • Adjustable risk tolerance
  • Derisk goals through glide path
  • Notifications
CMPAS: Planning

Use Existing Strategies

Create customized investment strategies for each of your clients by leveraging all of your firm's existing portfolio models.

Simply upload your models by risk level (conservative, moderate, growth, etc.) and CMPAS will provide a specific investment strategy guide for each client at the household and account level.
CMPAS: Planning

Stress Test Each Priority Level

Clients feel very differently about securing their retirement then they do about purchasing a luxury sports car, and with CMPAS: Planning, advisors can tailor plans that reflect that emotional difference.

Each priority level can be stress tested at a different probability of success. Need goals can be designed to succeed even during a Great Depression scenario (worst 10% of market history) while Dream goals can be set to be achieved during average market returns (worst 50% of market history). However, your client will need to save and sacrifice more currently in order to secure that protection for their higher priority goals.

With this structure, CMPAS provides more protection over your client’s most important goals while still exposing the client’s portfolio to market gains the can be used to fund their Wants and Dreams.
CMPAS: Planning

Fund Goals with Optimal Account

CMPAS: Planning was engineered to automatically fund goals using the most tax efficient account based on the goal type.

Education goals are funded by the 529, retirement is funded by the 401k, IRA, etc. and medical goals are funded by the HSA.

CMPAS will drain the most appropriate account first before tapping into less tax-advantaged accounts in order to save your client taxes on withdrawal.

And because goals are funded independently from each other, your clients can be assured that spending money on early goals will not impact the security of later, higher priority goals.

This transparency empowers advisors with information on how to further optimize their client’s assets such as increasing a contribution to the 529 if an education goal is being funded from the taxable or opening an HSA account to save on taxes for a healthcare goal.
CMPAS: Planning

Adjustable Risk Tolerance

Quantifying a client's risk tolerance can be tricky because it tends to be more emotionally driven. CMPAS: Planning provides our advisors the ability to lower the risk of the client’s investment strategy by excluding their firm’s most equity heavy portfolio.

Show your clients how their goals would succeed, fail or how much they need to be reduced in order to succeed and let them decided for themselves if the risk is worth the return.
CMPAS: Planning

Derisk Goal With Glide Path

As goals move closer in time, CMPAS will automatically notify the advisor that it is time to derisk the goal, or to start that goal on a glide path down to cash.

This means that when a goal reaches a certain numerical threshold (10 years, 6 years, 4 years, etc.), the funds for that particular goal are moved out of its current portfolio and into the next portfolio in the path. Ex. A goal moving from a 60/40 to a 40/60.

This will continue as the goal hits each threshold until all the funds for that goal are converted to cash.

The glide path provides your client’s assets protection from market fluctuations as bonds tend to be less volatile than equities.
CMPAS: Planning


Once a plan is published, it is set on autopilot, refreshing every month with our latest simulation data. CMPAS will notify the advisor if their attention is needed through in-site notifications. These alerts include derisking a goal, a new surplus or deficit in an account, if goals are failing, and when it is time for the client’s annual review.
CMPAS: Planning

Frequently Asked Questions

My current planning tool offers “customized” plans, how is CMPAS: Planning different?

Do you notify me when i need to adjust my client's plan of portfolio?

how does your software handle inflation?

What kind of Analysis tools do you have?

How do you explain risk to my client?

What features do you have regarding real estate?